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Feb 26
3 min read
The Mystery Behind the Loretto Chapel Staircase
In the old Spanish town of Santa Fe in New Mexico, there is a beautiful Catholic chapel known as the Loretto Chapel. The chapel’s history...
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The Mystery Behind the Loretto Chapel Staircase
In the old Spanish town of Santa Fe in New Mexico, there is a beautiful Catholic chapel known as the Loretto Chapel. The chapel’s history...
EARLY HERESIES: The Marcionist Schism (c. 150)
During the 2nd Century, there existed a young theologian named Marcion of Sinope who was born in what is today the city of Sinop, Turkey...
The Mysterious Pirate's House in Old Savannah
Savannah, Georgia is a city that was founded in February 1733 by the British - a characteristic that continues to be reflected in the...
EARLY HERESIES: The Collyridians and Antidicomarianites (c. 200-400 AD)
Within Christian communities, one of the most controversial topics is that of Marian devotions and the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in...
John Wesley: His Time and Ministry in Savannah, GA (1735-1737)
When it comes to Christian History in what is today the United States, we have been home to Christians from all walks of life,...
Mission Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Tolomato
Continuing in the topic of early Spanish missions in the American Southeast and following my blogpost on Mission Santa Catalina de Guale,...
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